Welcome To The Blog!

All mixes featured here are done for my own personal use and help make the journey to and from the daily grind go so much better! so I thought I'd put them out there to share, After all ,We all got to have freedom!

All selections from my own collection.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

The Cover Art of Roy Ayers
One of my all time musical heroes,from 15 to 50 his music has always been part of my listening (and dancing!!)pleasure and had the great pleasure of meeting him backstage about 15 years ago at a gig in Glasgow and a more gracious man you could not meet,and he's still bangin' them out! with guy's half his age, these being Bah Samba with the track Positive Vibe(thanks to Tony Poole of the Rhythm & Groove Blog for vid) 


  1. That Tony Poole sounds like a very intelligent cat. Blog looking good. Best wishes for 2012.

    Saludos de Espana

    1. Ta very much! same to you for 2012 and yes very intelligent, with a great taste in music!!!!
